Salvation from the Lake of Fire

The Beauty of John 3:16

by Elisabeth Christine Nelson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/24/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781664229983
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781664229990
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781664229976

About the Book

“Salvation from the Lake of Fire: The Beauty of John 3:16” offers an enlightening exploration of eternal salvation, Christian salvation, and the theology of salvation within the context of life after death in Christianity. With a style deeply rooted in Christian theology and spiritual education, this book is a beacon of hope and understanding for individuals aged 18 and older who seek clarity on the profound questions about the afterlife.

In a world where uncertainty about the soul’s eternal destiny prevails, “Salvation from the Lake of Fire” serves as a guiding light. It bridges the gap between the concept of eternal salvation and the foreboding imagery of the lake of fire, making it accessible and relatable to readers from all walks of life.

This book’s primary mission is to extend a hand of love and grace to those who may not fully comprehend God’s boundless love for humanity. It serves as an introduction to salvation, inviting both unbelievers and questioning Christians to embark on a journey of spiritual discovery.

Within its pages, you’ll find a comprehensive exploration of the theology of salvation, illuminating the profound significance of John 3:16. This timeless verse reveals God’s sacrificial love in sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to secure eternal salvation for humanity. It underscores the pivotal role of faith in Jesus as the pathway to redemption from the ominous lake of fire.

This book stands alongside other spiritually enriching titles like “40 Questions About Heaven and Hell” by Alan W. Gomes, “Four Views On Hell” Second Edition With New Contributors by Preston Sprinkel, “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel, and “Captured by Grace” by David Jeremiah. If you have been searching for books on eternal life or have contemplated the theology of salvation, “Salvation from the Lake of Fire” is a must-read.

As you delve into this profound exploration, you’ll come to appreciate the timeless truths within John 3:16 and the assurance it offers. In a world filled with uncertainty, this book sheds light on the promise of eternal salvation, guiding you away from the fearsome lake of fire and toward the warm embrace of God’s love. It’s a transformative journey, an introduction to salvation, and an invitation to experience the profound beauty of John 3:16.

About the Author

Elisabeth Christine Nelson has a heartfelt desire to share God's message of love and redemption. She focused on completing this book after retiring in late 2019. She has plans to write on various theological subjects and is a volunteer member of her church's care team. Elisabeth, an alumnus of California State University, Long Beach, was the first woman in her family to earn a bachelor's degree; others have followed. She is blessed with one adult daughter and resides in Southern California.